Thursday, October 31, 2019
Fairy Tail Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Fairy Tail Analysis - Essay Example And yet, according to author Anna Altmann, other women are not given a chance to mature into responsible adults who can handle their problems, and constantly have to rely on a male character for their survival. In fact, there is an argument that, for a very long time, fairy tales have focused much attention on patriarchal domination and female submission to the man (Altmann 23). In this case study of stepmother in â€Å"Snow White†and the witch in the â€Å"Beauty and the Beast†women are drawn as having cruel and wicked attitudes. . In the male dominated world, it is unfortunate that women could not afford the ability to unite and fight their common enemy – man. This domination tarnishes what it is to be a woman and severely limits not only the ability to be perceived as a heroine, but also the ability to have a positive and meaningful place in society. According to Jerome Griswold in his work on â€Å"Beauty and the Beast,†women have an incredibly wick ed character (15). This attribute can be seen in the beginning of his work when he states that, among the three daughters, the youngest happens to be the most beautiful among them all. This fact makes the two sisters develop hatred for their sister just because of her unwarranted supposedly appealing looks. The two sisters end up being devalued due to their looks, and as a result, scheme to destroy their more beautiful sister. Griswold describes these two sisters as egoistic individuals who have no hope of a better future free of grudges (39). Furthermore, despite the good nature of Beauty, it does not change the fact that her sisters hate her. Later on in the plot, the theme of women being evil is brought out more vividly. The two sisters scheme to destroy the well-nurtured relationship between Beauty and the Beast. It is amazing how they make Beauty remain at home longer than the stipulated one week agreed upon by the Beast and Beauty. Griswold notes that the sisters are very disg usted with the thought of supposed marriage between their sister and the Beast (56). The most astounding thing is how blood sisters would go to the extent of being jealous of someone in the same family! A more flamboyant picture of women being evil is created when punishment is administered to the wicked sisters. As the story wraps up, the two sisters are turned into statues and are to remain so until they confess all the harms they have caused to the family. This is in juxtaposition to their younger sister, Beauty, who is composed and forgiving and does not desire material benefits, a remarkable display of maturity that is rewarded with a happy life with her Beast. â€Å"Snow White†is yet another fairy tale that brings out the wicked nature of women in the general public via her relationship with her stepmother. Stone argues that despite the wishes of Snow White’s mother to have a beautiful daughter- with white teeth resembling snow, dark hair like the ebony and red lips, her step mother, the queen, is riddled with envy (57). The evil and wicked nature of the queen clouds her thinking and renders her unable to think of anything but ways to destroy Snow White so the wicked queen can, once again, be the fairest in the land. The conclusion of the story has the stepmother attending Snow White’s wedding to the prince. Here, even the pure Snow White might be perceived as cruel for condemning the wicked queen dance to her death in red hot iron shoes. In conclusion, Maria Tatar
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Employment Contract Essay Example for Free
Employment Contract Essay Employment Contract This Employment Agreement is made effective as of June 26th, 2013 and is between Joshua James, Frederick Alan, and Dave Darwin of the Builders Licensing and Training Institute in Grand Rapids, Michigan (referred to as â€Å"the company†) and John Andrews (referred to as â€Å"the employee†). The terms of this AT-WILL Employment Contract are set forth below. Employment. The Company shall employ John Andrews as a building instructor. This employee shall provide to the Company the following services: John Andrews accepts and agrees to such employment, and agrees to be subject to the general supervision, advice, and direction of the owners of the Company. The employee should perform duties that are customarily performed by an employee in this position. The Company shall employ John Andrews at least forty hours a week including holidays. Also, the employee may be required to work weekends and some mandatory overtime every pay period. Best Efforts of Employment. The employee John Andrews agrees to perform to the best of his ability, experience, and talents to perform the duties that may be set forth or expressed by the Company including the implicit terms of this agreement. Ownership of Social Media. Any social media that is used by the employee while under Company time is property of the Company. This includes but is not limited to contacts acquired through the Company examples like addresses, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Linked In, and other social media. Compensation of Employee. As compensation for the services provided by John Andrews under this agreement, the Company will pay John Andrews an annual salary of $50,000 in accordance with the Company’s usual payroll procedures, not including overtime pay which will be based upon the usual hourly rate for such employment. Upon termination of this agreement, payment shall cease, however, John Andrews shall be compensated for periods or partial periods that occurred prior to the date of termination. Confidentiality After Termination of Employment. The confidentiality of this agreement and information of the company are special and unique assets and need to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration of this, John Andrews agrees that for a period of two years following termination or removal from the company whether voluntary or involuntary will not directly or indirectly engage in any business competition with the Builders Licensing and Training Insitute. Employee Name ______________________________ Date _________________ Employee Signature _______________________________ Date _________________
Sunday, October 27, 2019
European Presence In Africa History Essay
European Presence In Africa History Essay Although there had been a British and greater European presence in Africa prior to the last two decades of the 19th century it was primarily coastal and revolved around the slave trade. With the abolition of the slave trade within the British Empire in 1803 and a complete abolition of slavery across the empire in 1834 there was little interest in Africa by Britain until the end of the century. This lack of interest in Africa did not include The Cape Colony though, which the British gained at the end of the Napoleonic Wars and which served a key role in outfitting ships on the British trade route to India. The role and importance of Africa to the British soon changed though do to imperial competition with France and Germany. Germany under the aggressive policies of Bismarck set out to take a leading role in Africa and catch up to other European powers such as Britain and France in terms of empire by gaining new control over territory and expanding their spheres of influence. Other important factors made Africa the hot spot for British and European expansion including the discovery of gold in the Transvaal and diamonds in the Orange Free State, the palm oil industry in Nigeria, scientific discoveries such as the way to treat malaria, and the mapping and exploration of the previously mysterious African interior early in the 19th century. In order to explore the nature of British expansion in Africa Porters The Lions Share and T.O. Lloyds The British Empire 1558-1995 are indispensable texts. Using their information on British expansion throughout Africa as a foundation it becomes possible to break down the period of greatest growth between 1880 and 1900 by analyzing British role in Africa prior to 1880, the external roles that competitors such as Germany and France had in forcing Englands imperial hand coupled with the internal economic drives for procuring areas of Africa, and the special case and significance of the Cape Colony and British Afrikaner relations. Britains early presence in Africa was exclusive to Sierra Leone, Gambia, The Gold Coast and The Cape Colony. They gained control of these areas in the late 18th or early 19th centuries. It is not until the 1860s that Britain and other European powers began to assert themselves in terms of gaining African territory making treaties. The scramble for Africa really has its beginnings in the late 1860s but does not began to fully take off until the 1880s when Britain, Germany, France, and to a smaller degree Italy begin to stake their claims. Britains previous African expansion had been very different then it would be in Africa during the scramble. The early British territories were either in primarily un-inhabited coastal regions or they had been gained from other European powers that had previously established sound control of territory such as with France in regard to The Cape Colony. Britains attitude toward African expansion doesnt really change in the last two decades of the 19th century from its long held overall view of keeping Africa on a shoestring. Its actions change radically though because of newly discovered economic opportunities and a need to respond to the actions other European powers. Although economic influence and foreign pressure created a reason for British expansion in the last two decades it is key to look at the small ways the British built a foundation for expansion starting in the 1850s and 1860s. For example David Livingstons exploration in Africa and the resulting publicity in the Victorian media opened Englands eyes in regards to Africa. He was most effective in creating interest by awakening Victorian morality concerning the still active slave trade occurring in east Africa. David Livingston had caught the public attention with his accounts of his explorations and his reminder that a slave trade on the east coast was still taking a gre at many slaves across the Indian Ocean to the Arab world. When he said that he was going back to Africa to make an open road for commerce and for Christianity he meant that unless a natural alternative was provided the slave trade was bound to go on (Lloyd, p. 182). Livingston was an icon to remind the British of Africa but his role alone did not fully set the foundation for later British growth in Africa. African expansion hadnt particularly been considered by because it wasnt viable do to high mortality rates caused by malaria and other tropical diseases and the lack of geographic knowledge of the African hinterland. These piece of the foundation started to come together though in the 1850s and 1860s to combined with Livingstons publicizing of Africa to build the base that would support the rapid expansion the would develop in the 1880s and 1890s. Advances inland were becoming a little more practicable because of advances in technology; People had known for centuries that quinine was a useful drug for tropical diseases, but it was really not until an expedition up the river Niger in 1854 succeeded in keeping its death rate very low by laying down that everybody must take a regular dose of quinine that the drugs value comprehensive value for preventative purposes was accepted. (Lloyd, p. 182) Careless behavior in exploring or expanding in Africa was not a sound choice even as of Livingstons death denoting the lack of interest Porter believes present prior to and through the much scramble for Africa in terms of the British governments desire for expansion in Africa. All the same Livingstons publicity and the work of other explorers and the use of quinine certainly contribute to the availability for British expansion in Africa by the 1880s. As the 1880s arrived and the stage was being set for African expansion. This is when a big impact from Social Darwinism played a huge role in Europes imperial ways. Social Darwinism of this period is generally understood as the idea that the strong have the moral right to rule over the weak. This concept is influential in the motivation to expand into Africa. The scramble for Africa primarily starts as French and German policies of expansion become apparent. It is important to make note though that the British government as of 1880 was lead by the anti-expansionist sentiments of Gladstone who came into office trying to deal with the imperial entanglements that the previous conservative government failed to clean up. The need to resolve conflicts in Africa began in Egypt in regards primarily to the Suez Canal. Egyptian mismanagement of the economy and military and a continually more strained relationship with France who had held considerable sway since the Napoleonic era in Egypt crea ted an opportunity for England to become more important in Egyptian affairs which the English desired because of the importance of the Suez Canal as an eastern trade route (Porter, p. 92-93). The situation in Egypt continued to worsen as France played less of a role because of concerns with Germany and with the debts mounting and the abdication of Khedive Ismail in 1879 something had to be done in order to bail out Egypt and preserve control over the Suez Canal. The British for the economic reasons attached with the canal stepped in and bought out the Egyptian shares in the Canal to help cancel some of the Egyptians debts. The debts were still not able to appropriately managed and rebellion broke out because of the wretched economy and the European presence in Egypt. At this point Britain was un-encumbered as France was with major concerns about Germany decide to go in and occupy Egypt so as to ensure the canal and bring about order. Along with Egypt, Britain soon came to similar situations in Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya. The British had been present in Nigeria since the middle of the 19th century with many small companies involved in the palm oil and coco industries in 1879 these small companies were merged together through the leadership of George Goldie producing The Royal Niger Company. As other European powers began to encroach in on the area controlled by The Royal Niger Company Goldie requested favors from the imperial government to prevent the loss of Nigeria. France was moving east from Senegal. Germany gained control of Togoland and The Cameroons just to the south. The Belgians were making claims in the Congo to the southeast leaving Nigeria surrounded by other European powers. The problem primarily arose because Goldies company lacked a charter and had no real treaties with the tribes in Nigeria. As the encroachment became more severe Goldie gained a charter in 1886 granting his company the powers of government. Goldies administration turned out to be a success following the granting of a charter as The Royal Niger Company promptly went out and procured treaties with the principal rulers of the area-staking claim and effectively limiting the further growth of their neighbors. The situation of the Royal Niger Company once again highlights Gladstone and his anti-expansionist policy being manipulated and circumvented under external pressure. German expansion in eastern Africa prompts British annexation of The Buganda Kingdom, which will be come Uganda and Kenya and builds a close relationship with Zanzibar at the same time Goldie is making progress in Nigeria. The issue of Britain absorbing Uganda and Kenya came from the foreign minister Lord Salisbury who had a sincere yet somewhat implausible belief that the Germans would swallow up Uganda which is the wellspring of the Nile from there new colony of German East Africa and would create a massive water works and cut off the river decimating Egypt and making the Suez Canal worthless (Lloyd, p. 238). Salisbury spent much of his time hyping this idea and in the process found McKinnon and his British East Africa Company. The British East Africa Company seemed like the perfect way to establish a British presence in the regions of Uganda and Kenya. It also helped to solve the crisis occurring in Zanzibar. In 1888 Salisbury became convinced that the Sultan of Zanzibar was in real danger of having what remained to him of his dominions taken from him by Germany. British interests there had to be safeguarded, and the best way to do this seemed to be to underwrite McKinnons arrangement with the Sultan. In addition, there was considerable disquiet in the Foreign Office about what was happening in Uganda in the lakes region. The German explorer Karl Peters was threatening to take it; Bismarck denied that Germany was officially interested in the area, but only a few years back she had not been interested in The Camerooons or Zanzibar either (Porter, p. 109). At first this seemed sound but the British East Africa Company was poorly managed and was in competition with the east African slave trade. The company was in trouble right from the start but made efforts to get involved with the Buganda Kingdom who were the primary rulers of the hinterland. McKinnon sent missionaries and his military captain a man by the name of Lugard into the Buganda kingdom and they quiet successfully became overlords of the Buganda Kingdom with little bloodshed. The only problem that arose from this was the fact that the British East India Company had neither the money nor the military needed to politically control the region. Lugards expenses in the hinterland and the lack of financial growth by the government prompted Salisbury to try to get a rail line built between Mombassa and Lake Victoria. This plan was meet with little support and Lord Rosebery soon replaced Salisbury in 1892 (Lloyd, p. 239). Rosebery shared Salisbury interest in Uganda and also pushed for the building of the railway and a governmental take over of the Buganda Kingdom when the company failed in 1895. The railway was eventually built when Joseph Chamberlain came into power in 1895 and the region was soon divided into Kenya and Uganda. The annexation of the Buganda Kingdom ends the expansion of the British during the scramble for Africa but then special attention must be paid to southern Africa. The Cape Colony as was mentioned before was procured in 1795 from the French as a victor prize at the end of the Napoleonic Wars. Although the British had gained the colony from France it was really Dutch in origin. The Dutch had begun settling the region as early as the middle 17th century. The Dutch population that represented the majority of the European population up until the middle of the 19th century settled the area so as to escape religious persecution in the Netherlands. The Dutch population that inhabited the cape colony was known as Afrikaners or Boers and they were staunch Calvinists. The Afrikaners were a unique culture that caused a fare degree of conflict when the British took over. They spoke their own version of Dutch known as Afrikaans and they were primarily agricultural and thus relied heavily on slave labor. As England encouraged emigration to the Cape Colony and the slave trade and slavery were abolished throughout the British Empire greater cultural conflict grew between the Afrikaners and the British. The abolition of slavery made the majority of Afrikaners feel that their rights were being impinged upon and so in 1836 under the leadership of Sir Benjamin DUrban and Piet Retieg a mass exodus of Afrikaners to the north occurred. Nearly 15,000 Afrikaners trekked north past the Orange River into unclaimed territory in the southern portion of the Zulu Nations territory and founded the Transvaal and the Orange Free State. Britain is content to be rid of the Afrikaners for the time being and lets political issues rest in southern Africa until they grant representative government to the cape colony in the 1870s and there is British interests in unifying all of southern Africa. These desires become more intense when the opportunity arises because of the economic difficulties the Transvaal and the Orange Free State were experiencing and because of a new Zulu threat. Lord Carnarvon was the Colonial secretary under Disreli in the 1870s and he pushed for unification and in 1877 he was able to convince the Transvaal and the Orange Free State to be annexed in return for aide against the Zulu threat. When the governments Changed hands in Britain and Gladstone came to power the Afrikaners appealed to him for their independence back as they no longer needed the British as the Zulu had been neutralized. Gladstone was not impressed and it resulted in the rebellion that saw the British embarrassingly routed at Mejuba in 1880. In 1881 at the Convention of Pretoria Gladstone gave the Transvaal and the Orange Free State their independence back in a relationship of suzerainty. This meant that Britain would control native and foreign affairs for the Afrikaner States but that was all. The relationship between Britain and the Transvaal and the Orange Free State is revised once more at the London Convention of 1884 giving the Afrikaners control over native affairs. During this period though a change in economic status in the Afrikaner states economic changed British interests. Valuable diamond mines were discovered in the Orange Free State and the richest gold strike in the known world was found in the Transvaal. These discoveries resulted in a massive influx of people not only from the Cape Colony and Britain but also from around the world. This mass emigration made the Afrikaners insecure and they didnt want to grant citizenship to the newly arrived people they called Uitlanders because it would mean that they would lose political control. This economic growth produced a renewed interest in consolidating the south of Africa but the British were still no closer to a solution. Two methods of achieving this federation, the voluntary and the coercive, had both been tried and failed. The current hope in the 1890s was that (in Lord Salisburys words) by impressing them, they might be compelled to fall in line and to join the great unconscious federation that is growing up (Porter, p. 100). It soon became clear that impressing the newly wealthy Afrikaner nations were not going to be impressed into unification either. A new political figure then joins the picture named Cecil Rhodes who eventually pushed the British effort at unification forward in some ways. He became a millionaire because of the diamond mines and rose to control both the British South Africa Company and act as Governor of the Cape Colony. He had British interests a heart but also thought unification would be a positive step forward for the Afrikaners and managed to have some respect with the Afrikaners at least early on in his efforts. Although unification did not happen until the beginning of the 20th century after he had lost his position as governor of the Cape Colony and shamed himself by trying to take the Afrikaner states by force in a failed action called the Jameson Raid he laid the groundwork for the unification that would come at the end of the Boer War. The unification would consist of the conglomeration of the Cape Colony, Natal to east, and the Transvaal, and the Orange Free State. Rhodes Tried to return to Cape Colony politics after settling tribal disputes in Rhodesia which was also under British control do in many ways to Rhodes role as head of the British South Africa Company but without success. The southern portion of Africa did not fully stabilize until after the end of the scramble for Africa in the first years of the 20th century (Porter, p. 243-44). British imperial growth in Africa during the last two decades of the 19th century was on the grand scale. This growth was not due to a British expansionist policy. This is made particularly clear under Gladstones government but through reactionary response to other European powers imperial conquests, both failed and successful economic reasons were also influential in expansion, and by British imperialists at home and in Africa who were kept on shoestrings and forced expansion such as with the cape colony and to some degree the British East Africa company in the Boganda Kingdom. African expansion at this time was closely compared to Asian expansion. The first reason was that Africa was not really so valueless by contrast with Asia; South Africa especially was rapidly becoming a treasure-house itself with it diamonds and gold and the prospect of much more to come, and from Indias point of view it, and Suez at the other end of the continent, were as essential as ever for access to Britain. The second reason was that Africa was easier for Britain to defend anyway. None of her rivals there had the natural advantages Russia had in Asia except perhaps the Afrikaners, and they were underrated; Britains naval strength could count for more, and her military weakness need show less in skirmishes with Africans or European expeditionary forces then in wars with standing armies; and there was no India to fall apart at the first sign of trouble (Porter, p.163). The British role in Africa only began with the scramble for Africa. British influence would continue to grow until the African colonies began to gain their independence in the middle and second half of the 20th century.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Compare And Contrast The Ways Essay -- essays research papers
Compare and Contrast the ways in which the poet describes the breakdown if the relationship. Comment on the effectiveness of their verse-craft I chose to compare the poems: An Anniversary, by Vernon Scannel Dismissal, by John Tripp A Winters Tale, by D.H. Lawrence In the poem “An Anniversary'; the poet describes the relationship and it’s breakdown as two leaves on a river, this is and example of ‘Personification’. In contrast to this poem in the poem “Dismissal'; Tripp describes the breakdown very much as it was, describing two people in a dreary pub, this is an example of ‘Pathetic fallacy’ as the setting is very boring and dark like the breakdown of the relationship. In “A Winters Tale'; Lawrence uses a similar verse-craft to Scannel in “An Anniversary'; with the relationship being described as a field but he still uses people in the poem to describe the people in the relationship. Lawrence also uses ‘Pathetic Fallacy’ as he describes a cold winter’s day when the relationship broke down. In “An Anniversary'; the poet says: “The sky’s smeared monotone.'; This means the sky was smeared with one colour, which may signify a boring colourless relationship. “Two willow leaves glide smoothly on The water’s shimmering skin;'; This is an example of ‘Enjambment’. It describes the leaves floating smoothly but apart from each other. The use of enjambment here helps the rhythm of the poem carry on smoothly like the leaves gliding. It could signify the two people still going on in life smoothly but not together. When he says “the water’s shimmering skin'; it gives the impression of being murky below and shiny on top. This could show there is more to the relationship than what people see initially or that when the relationship was still happening it may have looked alright to everyone else watching but there were things going on beneath the surface that weren’t alright. “Once, on a branch in the sun, they danced And often touched each other; They will not touch each other again,'; In the relationship this signifies that they were once happy together but now they will never be together again. It could also mean that from the beginning the re... ... and downhearted that the relationship is ending. He also knows that the relationship is over and can’t go on but he still has some feelings for the woman. He may feel upset that she has come so promptly when she knows what he will say but she probably just wants to get the hurt and pain over with. The structure of the poem is “ABAB'; when the 1st and 3rd and 2nd and 4th lines rhyme with each other e.g.: “Snow and Go'; “Emerge and Verge'; They are the last words in verse one that rhyme. I think the three poems, although they are about the same thing, describe it very differently. Dismissal describes it very much like speech whereas An Anniversary uses nature to describe the breakdown. A winter’s Tale is a mixture as in stanza one it uses mainly imagery with the field to describe the relationship, but in stanza two it uses run-on-lines to describe his feelings. Then in stanza three it uses a mixture by using the simple ABAB structure from verse one, but still using his thoughts of the woman, rather than imagery of the field, to describe the relationship. All three poems describe the breakdown very differently but very effectively.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Obesity and Government Control
Obesity and Government Control In today’s society there are many Americans who are either overweight or obese and have diabetes. David Zinczenko in â€Å"Don’t Blame the Eater†argues that fast food companies ate to be blamed for the obesity that is now very common in the US. Radley Balko argues in â€Å"What You Eat is Your Business†that the government is responsible for the obesity epidemic that the US is found in today. The government should have some in not all control or regulations on what the people of the country decide to eat.With no control the US is headed for a nation of overweight, obese, diabetic, and unhealthy people. Before the early 1990’s, diabetes found in children were usually because of genetic disorders and around five percent of the children were obsess or had Type Two diabetes. According to the National Institute of Health, about thirty percent of the children population has Type Two diabetes. Because of the increase in the amount of people who are being diagnosed with diabetes, the amount of money spent on health care costs is a surprising one hundred billion a year.Since 1969 that has been a dramatic increase of about ninety-seven billion. (Zinczenko) Zinczenko argues that many fast food restaurants don’t give information on the calorie count their food contains. Unlike grocery items, there aren’t many fast food companies that provide their clients with the calorie information on their food labels. By not giving out this important information, consumers aren’t aware of the unhealthy consumptions.Although this is a good point, we as humans are smart enough to know that if we walk into a fast food restaurant, the food we buy isn’t going to be the healthiest and that if we eat this type of food twice a day every day or even every other day, we will eventually put on a great amount of weight and make our body vulnerable to health risks such as diabetes. The government should m ake it a law for restaurants such a McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s put exactly how many calories each thing on their menu has.The fast food industry doesn’t only target adult but also children by selling kids meals that come with a toy from that popular movie every child wants or has watched or that popular toy company. This is how they attract kids but in return for the money, they give kids that delicious but unhealthy burger with a toy that usually ends up lost or in the garbage after a few days or even hours. Instead of giving a side of fries and soda, what they should do is give kids a daily fruit serving with he choice of either orange or apple juice. There should be a regulation on the amount of calories children can consume at these restaurants. These children are the future of the country and if they grow up having horrible eating habits, how this country going to get anywhere with people who aren’t able to do a certain job because of their health problems? The government should put very tight restrictions on how the fast food industry carries itself when it comes to selling food that isn’t healthy.According to Zinczenko, â€Å"prepared foods aren’t covered under Food and Drug Administration labeling laws. †(Zinczenko 393) This is one very important thing that the government should definitely change. People need to be informed with the amount of calorie intake that delicious Whopper has. If the person sees how many calories they are eating they may second guess about eating fast food four times a week. Changing this regulation can make a difference on someone’s life.Balko states that, â€Å"state legislatures and school boards across the country have begun banning snacks and soda from school campuses and vending machines,†(Balko 396) and that this is not the way to combat obesity. By the government banning the unhealthy foods we eat, they are taking responsibility on our health car e and wellness, instead of us worrying and taking care of ourselves. Although Balko makes a good point, right now the government had no control on our food consumption choices and we are still making horrible health choices.If the government takes control on the food we can and can’t eat, we soon will accustom ourselves to pick a fresh apple over some deep fried onion rings. Pretty soon the US will find itself in a society where the amount of people who are diabetic and obese isn’t sky rocketing. Like everything, there is always going to be those people who don’t agree with the government telling us what to eat and what not to eat. The way I see it right now, in this specific time in life, I would agree with the government helping us out.A little push won’t hurt and in the long run it can make a huge difference on our own health and for the health of those we care most, them being our children, parents, family, and friends. Works Cited Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. â€Å"Don't Blame the Eater. †They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2010. 391-94. Print. Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. â€Å"What You Eat Is Your Business. †They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2010. 395-99. Print
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Alan Mulally Ford Motor Company
The content of this paper is to outline the roles of leadership and how it affects organizational performance. It then discusses the role of Allan Mulally’s, CEO of Ford Motor Company, leadership style. The paper also presents how Mulally’s decision to set a goal increased the company’s performance and mentioning how Allan Mulally’s openness has gained him trust and helped him to reach his goal. Finally, my point of view on the impact of Mulally’s leadership style and how it effects the organization. Leadership is guiding people toward productive results to achieve the goals of the organization. An effective leader has the ability to motivate and influence others. Leadership influences organizational performance depending on the level to which the leader enables managers and team leaders to plan, organize, control, and act effectively. By accepting authority, responsibility, and accountability, managers can confidently face though situations that require decisions made. Faced with an overwhelmingly complex situation, Alan Mulally has been brought in as Ford Motor Company's new president and CEO. As diverse global dynamics confront the company and competitive pressures continue to build, he has the challenging task of improving Ford's brand image and returning the company to profitability. Mulally has invited your consulting firm to advise his management team on restoring the company's reputation and viability. Leaders significantly influence organization’s success, they must have the ability to develop new ideas, use that idea to set goals, and develop ways to achieve those goals. They must have aspiration to build vision, values, and goals, in order to accomplish great performance. Leaders have the talent to influence other people in order to have them follow him or her and have the ability to motivate the employees. They need to be able to be flexible to changes in its environment like demands, expectations, and pressure. A good leader builds trust, develop opportunities for the employees grow, get them encouraged, listen to employees, and bring up the best of them. By valuing and respecting cultural differences at work, leaders may avoid the negative stereotypes that can affect the company’s success. Leaders need to address the importance of open communications within the organization. Active listening, questioning, and placing emphasis on verbal and written communications between management and subordinates guarantees the company stays on track with the organization’s goal. Recognizing individuals and team differences will help the leader achieve a successful career with the organization. To build trust, the person in charge should be open to communication, be honest and hold integrity, be a risk taker, problem solver, and be able to face reality. Also, another factor that can be included in being a good leader can be the willingness to be open to diversity and a one that sets good ethical competency. It is the leader that will guide an organization to success. â€Å"Allan’s style is pretty relentless,†said the chief financial officer Lewis Booth His look is confident, disciplined, have the desire to succeed and very determined (Hellriegel & Scolum, 2011). He filled five binders with information he collected from interviewing to set plan for Ford Motor. Communication is the key aspect for him, he wants everyone in the company to know what is going on, what the company goal is, how to reach that goal, the position that the company is in, and the fields that need specific awareness. Because of his openness, Mulally gained many support from his employees and built trust. Mulally created cards that were written the four goals on one side and the meaning of the company on the other side to let everyone know what his intentions were. Allan Mulally is a very hands on leader, he expects weekly or sometimes daily updates of all the components of the company. Ford needed someone to point out what needed to be done and how it could be done. Alan Mulally set a goal to increase the sales by 2011 and he developed ways to accomplish that goal. One of his goals was to have Ford sustain its independence and not be taken over by the government. His target was small cars that were fuel efficient and electric cars rather than big trucks, bring up brand new Taurus to build brand, differentiate itself from it competitors, and take the company globally. He made sure that everyone in the firm knew these goals and how to reach the goals. Ford has picked up sales by 25% and is 1. 4 points on market share, where the two of its competitors lost. Allan Mulally made sure that everyone was involved in every operation that was taking place in the organization and that everyone understood the goals. He built trust by communicating with his employees and by being open. There were no secrets at Ford, everyone knew the plan. At Ford, the 12 functional departments and Mulally himself held meetings on every Thursday. In the meeting Mulally wants to know everything and he involves everyone from manufacturing to human resource to participate. His intentions were to communicate and be able to open about the problems that had occurred and find ways to work on it. I think Allan Mulally’s leadership style is very effective because I believe in communication and the involvement of everyone from every field of a company. By being open and communicating with his employees, he built trust, respect, and motivated his employees. He’s also a risk taker, passionate or very driven and a strong person. He set goals to achieve and he managed to find ways achieve those goals. I think, he definitely should continue with his style of leadership.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Idioms and Expressions With Money
Idioms and Expressions With Money The following idioms and expressions with the noun money are less formal than collocations used with money. However, they are common in everyday conversation. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help understanding of these common idiomatic expressions with money. Color of Someone's Money Definition: the amount of money someone has available Show me the color of your money and then we can talk.If we knew the color of the companys money we could make a better bid on the deal. Easy Money Definition: money that can be earned with little effort Some people think that playing stocks is easy money.Unfortunately, there are few jobs are truly easy money. Front Money Definition: money paid in advance of receiving something Ill need to put up $100,000 front money to get in on the deal.Always be suspicious of companies that ask for front money. Heavy Money Definition: a lot of money Tom will bring heavy money into the company if he agrees to invest.They have heavy money. Im sure theyll buy the house. Hush Money Definition: money paid to someone so that they dont provide information Many people are paid hush money to not testify in court. Its illegal, but it happens.The gang tried to pay the man off with hush money, but he was having none of it. Mad Money Definition: money used to have fun, money to waste Weve put away a few thousand dollars in mad money for our next vacation.Dont go to Las Vegas without some mad money. Money From Home Definition: easily gained money Peter thinks investing in stocks is money from home.Shes looking for a job thats money from home. Good luck! Money Grubber Definition: someone who does not like to spend money, a stingy person Shell never give you money for your idea. Shes a money grubber.Money grubbers cant take it with them. I have no idea why they take it so seriously. I say easy come, easy go. Money Talks Definition: money has influence in a situation Of course, they let the big box store build in town. Never forget: Money talks.Just remember money talks. If they really want you for the position, theyll meet your salary demands. On the Money Definition: correct, exact Id say you are on the money about that situation.His guess that the company would succeed was on the money. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is! Definition: lets have a bet about something Come on, if you think that is true, put your money where your mouth is! Ill bet you 100 to 1 that it isnt true.She put her money where her mouth was and made a fortune. Smart Money Definition: the best option, money of smart people investing in something The smart money is on Congress changing the law.He thinks the smart money is going to invest in renewable energy. Soft Money Definition: money which can be earned without much effort Take the job for a few months. Its soft money.Jane thinks the position is soft money. Spending Money Definition: money to spend to have fun, purchases unnecessary items Its important to have at least a little spending money each month.They dont have much spending money, so they like to stay home rather than go on vacation. Throw Money at Something Definition: waste money on a situation Throwing money at the situation isnt going to make it better.Some governments feel that throwing money at a program always helps. Once youve learned these expressions, its a good idea to also learn important phrasal verbs about money. Finally, use the business English resources on the site to continue improving your English as it relates to the business world.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Pros study essays
Pros study essays How does Dickens portray a social comment in the book A Christmas Carol? Charles John Huffman Dickens was born in Portsmouth to a clerk who worked in the office responsible for navy salaries. His first, and happiest, years were spent at Chatham. However, his father was imprisoned in the Marshalsea prison for debtors and at age twelve he began working in a blacking warehouse. It was a miserable time for the young Dickens, and its themes recur frequently in his novels, where the Marshalsea itself features, and the mistreatment of children and child labour are common subjects. Subsequently, he worked as an office boy, then studied shorthand and reported House of Commons debates for the Morning Chronicle. A Christmas Carol was written during the peak time of what we call the Victorian era. During this time many families were living in different situations, as the book portrays. For instance there were very poor families, yet there were very rich families. Many people at this time were deciding to get married at this time, and the majority of people were living under the poverty line. Education was more of a punishment rather than a privilege as today, as children were sent there so that they were out of the house and not in the way. Many people were very interested in the super-natural at this time and the book portrays a good them of the supernatural. Also the book shows us how everyone can pull together and act in different ways at a time like Christmas. A Christmas Carol is a relatively short novel, set at Christmas. It is structured in five staves; introduction, past, present, future and resolution. It is set at Christmas because Christmas is a time when families and loved ones get together and celebrate. It may also be set at this time to show how people and families in the poorest of states can forget their worries at a time like Christmas. The plot ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Back in Shakespeare Essay Example for Free
Back in Shakespeare Essay Romeo and Juliet (446) , Capulet (321) , Montague (266) , Tybalt (192) , Benvolio (113) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Back in Shakespeare’s days courtly love was a fashionable tradition. What happened was the men saw the women as Goddesses but their love was more often unrequited. But the men would send them love letters in the form of sonnets in order to win the woman’s love, however it usually failed leaving the man feeling melancholic. This is the position Romeo found himself in as he was in love with a girl called Rosaline. Montague and Benvolio notice a change in Romeo’s behaviour due to this and Montague explains how he â€Å"shuts up his windows†and â€Å"locks fair daylight out†this shows that Romeo attempts to isolate himself from the outside world and really is depressed. As Romeo enters the scene the audience can see for themselves his state of mind during his conversation with Benvolio. His replies to Benvolio’s comments are short and subdued and he explains, â€Å"sad hours seem long†. We can work out from this that Romeo is not having a good time so our sympathy wins him over and we hope for his luck to change. As we move onto scene 2, we meet Paris, who is a man hoping to marry Juliet and is trying to convince Capulet to allow him to, however Capulet seems to think Juliet is too young for marriage as â€Å"She hath not seen the change of fourteen years†. The possible marriage between Paris and Juliet is exciting for the audience yet it is an obstacle between the forthcoming relationship between Romeo and Juliet. The scene then cuts back to Romeo and his problems with courtly love. Benvolio who is aware of Romeo’s problem tries to be a useful friend by giving him advice. His advice is â€Å"one fire burns out another’s burning†, this is a metaphorical way of putting; you should find someone else and forget about Rosaline. Then as ‘Clown’ from the Capulet family is struggling to read a party invitation he asks Romeo and Benvolio to read the list out for him. Romeo notices that Rosalie’s name is on this list and the pair therefore decide to find a way of going to the ‘masqued ball’ to give Romeo a chance of fore filling his dream of meeting Rosaline. The fact it’s a masqued ball means they can get in whilst in disguise and probably get away with it and this thought enters Benvolio’s head. In scene 3 we meet the Nurse. A nurse is the Elizabethan equivalent to a child minder, however in these days they were hired out commonly by wealthy upper class families and were pretty much part of the family, they would raise the children and even breast feed them when they are babies. This particular Nurse raised Juliet and the two of them are very close. She is a bubbly character who often tells sexual jokes or sexual innuendo’s and tells Juliet stories about when she was younger usually embarrassing her. From seeing the play myself I remember the nurse being an entertaining character and was an audience favourite which was most noticeable by the applause she got at the end. Her sexual humour is shown where she says, â€Å"dost thou fall upon thy face? Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit, wilt thou not, Jule?†This is a crude joke of falling onto her back for sex and most fourteen year olds would find an adult talking to them like this terribly embarrassing yet the audience find it comical and entertaining. Soon after; Juliet discovers Paris’s desire to marry her and to the nurses delight Juliet replies â€Å"It is an honour that I dream not of†. Again the audience are excited by what is now a probable marriage yet it also questions the possibility of Romeo and Juliet getting together. Whilst on their way to the Capulet masqued ball Romeo predicts the future when saying â€Å"for my mind misgreaves some consequence, yet hanging in the stars†, similarly to what it says in the prologue; Romeo is saying he fears an unfortunate accident. The audience therefore semi-expect this to ironically happen. This is meant to create tension especially when he says about an â€Å"untimely death†, which along with the prologue suggests young death. Scene 5 is set in the Capulet household as it is the location of their ‘masqued ball’. A ‘masqued ball’ was a fashionable party to have in Elizabethan times where everyone went disguised in a mask. It was the equivalent to what a fancy dress party is today and this is why the Montague’s were able to get in with little suspicion from the Capulet’s. Party’s are always a popularity and so Shakespeare made this scene a key one in the play for the entertainment of the audience. From what the audience have seen so far, Romeo is a melodramatic isolated character. He has won over our sympathy and as he is one of the main characters we all want to see things turn around for him. The reason Shakespeare presents him as a melancholic lover is to emphasise the artificial nature of his love for Rosaline in comparison to the genuine emotion he feels for Juliet. We witness the two types of love juxtaposed and recognise that his love for Juliet is positive, energising and less of a ‘pose’. But by presenting him in love with someone else initially, it creates romantic suspense for the audience. When Romeo first sees Juliet, it is described as ‘love at first sight’, this really helps to emphasise how he feels about her. From the audiences point of view, Romeo appears to be shocked by how much Juliet stands out by the way he says â€Å"O she doth teach torches to burn bright†, the reason he says ‘O’ at the start of his speech is purely to emphasise his emotion. The speech as a whole is a type of light imagery and explains how her beauty stands out so much to Romeo. He then goes on to say â€Å"†¦she hangs upon the cheek of night / As a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear†, this is a metaphorical way of saying that she is beautiful, precious and rare to him as is â€Å"Beauty too rich for use†. These are both examples of wealth imagery. The majority of his speech in this part of the scene is imagery and metaphorical to help stress his feelings for Juliet, he also claims she â€Å"Shows a snowy dove trooping with crows†. This is in the category of bird and colour imagery and helps to stand out the point that she really does stand out from the crowd. As explained by courtly love, it was a common thing for men to respect women like they are goddesses, and Romeo uses this kind of ‘holy imagery’ when he says â€Å"†¦touching hers, make blessed my rude hand†. Overall the speech shows strong romantic inte rest due to how Romeo is so intense, passionate and genuine. This is one of the most loving parts of the story; however it is interrupted as the fiery character of Tybalt notices that a Montague is present. He clearly shows his anger by referring Romeo as a â€Å"slave†, which is saying that Romeo is like his inferior. As Capulet enters the scene; Tybalt threatens to â€Å"strike him dead†, however, Capulet bears in mind what the Prince said, in that any more fighting would mean their â€Å"lives would pay the forfeit†and as he wants no violence at the party, he aggressively prevents Tybalt from making any wrong moves. The hatred is then interrupted by the love of Romeo and Juliet as they meet and talk for the first time. Their conversation is set out in the style of a sonnet as of course; these were popular in the Elizabethan and Medieval times. It is very poetic, passionate and filled with religious imagery. The language is intense, memorable and uses rhyming couplets at the end of every other line to help it to sound better and stand out. Juliet is very responsive to Romeo’s requests and appears to want Romeo to kiss her, which was a rarity in the courtly love tradition. Romeo flirtatiously refers to Juliet as a ‘Pilgrim’; this shows how he respects her like a Goddess and this is the start of a large amount of religious imagery. In addition to that, Juliet answers back with her own religious metaphors like â€Å"And palm to palm is holy palmers kiss†this also contains some alliteration due to the repetitive use of words containing ‘palm’. The speech overall is a pattern of Romeo flirting to Juliet and Juliet flirting back, this keeps the flow of the conversation going and on a couple of occasions we witness a kiss. All this comes to a sudden end as the Nurse enters the scene and they discover each others identity. The nurse calls Juliet to go to her mother and when she is gone explains to Romeo â€Å"Her mother is the lady of the house†and of course Romeo realises this is the Capulet house. Benvolio calls Romeo away from the scene explaining â€Å"The sport is at the best†which informs that he knows the best part of the night is over and their identity has been discovered. This means that the Montague’s have to make a swift exit effectively making Romeo and Juliet’s ‘moment’ short with a sudden end. This leaves the nurse and Juliet alone together. Juliet finds out from the Nurse that Romeo is in fact a Montague and is clearly devastated by this when she says â€Å"My grave is like to be my wedding bed†and â€Å"My only love sprung from my only hate. All the way throughout this scene; Shakespeare juxtaposes love and hate. The first sight of love is at Romeo’s first glimpse of Juliet and the whole ‘love at first sight’ event, this is interrupted by Tybalt noticing Romeo and wanting to cause a violent act but he is stopped by Capulet. This allows Romeo and Juliet to have their first speech in the form of the love sonnet although when the two realise each other’s identity, the hate between the two families takes over leaving the audience wondering if the power of their love is strong enough to overcome the hate. In conclusion to the opening act of the play; Shakespeare creates many ‘untied’ ends to the story. This makes the audience want to carry on watching to get an answer to their questions; questions such as will Tybalt fore fill his threat towards Romeo? Are Romeo and Juliet going to die and if so how? Will Paris marry Juliet? And will there be any more fighting? The only possible way for the audience to find an answer to these questions is to carry on watching the play. This was Shakespeare’s objective for the opening act and he has therefore successfully completed it. Back in Shakespeare. (2017, Aug 22). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Friday, October 18, 2019
What do you believe to be the main force driving change in the Essay
What do you believe to be the main force driving change in the International Business Environment - Essay Example The traditional ways of transacting businesses are becoming obsolete due rapid changes and inventions. Cultural, political, environmental, and economical forces characterize globalization and have great impact in the international business environment. Introduction Globalization is the process by which people all over the globe are interconnected into one village such that an occurrence in one part of the world will have a direct impact on the other part. Major changes in international business environment and business operations are because of globalization of business. Today, several significant transformations can be observed in the international business environment and most of these transformations are occurring spontaneously. The changes are unpredictable and inevitable such that one transformation is leading to emergence of more numerous changes. Similar to industrial revolution that completely transformed business environment in Europe, these transformations are necessary in both their outcome and magnitude. The main transformation includes increased competition, rapid changes, and increased use of computers and adoption of sophisticated information technology and networks. Investors or rather employers need to learn the new principles of success, and keep reinventing the objectives of the business (Batra and Dangwal, 2005, p.88). People from different states have developed similar tastes and preferences leading to homogeneity of needs. Globalization encompasses numerous processes by which, institutions, money, people, goods, and services are able to cross territorial or domestic boundaries freely Globalization as a process is a result of sociocultural, political, economic, and technological forces. Globalization is mostly used to mean economic globalization, which is the connectedness of world economies into international economy though exchange of goods, capital investment, migration, and increased use of technology (Brooks and Weatherston et al., 201 1, p.165). The continuing increase in globalization raises the need to understand the different cultures of the world more so corporates and communities cultures. There is an increased transfer of workforce or experts from one country to another, in effort to assist establish new locations of the company or boost existing ones in order to achieve their objectives (KPMG International, 2013, p. 2). Mere knowledge of communication skills is not enough but also the understanding of cultural influences, varied communication designs and social settings of every society do drive the success of globalization. The real standing of globalization can be understood by focusing on three main changes. The first major change is the one witnessed in the job markets. The increased demand of employees with multilingual knowledge has led to people moving from state to another for employment or travelling internationally for the purpose of business transactions (Gelbart, 2012, p. 1). Also of important is the emergence of e-commerce, which have a major impact on competition and growth of market as the original location of firm is not an issue anymore. Increased in cross boarders travels has in turn led to wide spread of traditional cultures and practices all over the world. People’s cultures all over the world seem to rhyme and everybody seems to be adapting to global behaviors, especially in trade industry. Focusing on our social environment
Reflective Diary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Reflective Diary - Essay Example One of my pair’s friends commented that I did not give enough time for my partner to speak out. I was surprised and I reflected if I did hinder my partner’s communication in any way and why I did not become more aware of it. Using Johns Model, the significant factors that might have affected the experience (University of Cumbria, 2014b, p.2) were the limited time of the discussion, my extrovert personality, and my impatience in waiting for others to express themselves. Time was limited and I felt the pressure to rush the process of the discussion to get the results of how to speak with others. In addition, I am a friendly person and I like talking to people, which can seem like dominating conversations. In my mind, I also want to motivate others to speak by talking about my experiences, but this does not work all the time. Furthermore, I was a bit impatient in waiting for my partner to speak up. I think I do not know how to deal with shy or introvert people as much as I would like to admit because I am unsure if and when silence is something good in conversations when dealing with strangers. The next stage for the model is reflection on what I was trying to achieve and the consequences of my goals and actions (University of Cumbria, 2014b, p.2). My goals then were to express my ideas and issues about communication and to ensure that I can also learn from my partner. My constraints were time and the potentially different communication styles that we have. Time can be an obstacle to effective communication if it becomes a source of pressure to attain fast outcomes (Bruhn, 2011, p.278). Differences in communication styles can also lead to incorrect interpretations of verbal and non-verbal expressions (Solomon and Theiss, 2013, p.360). As for the consequences, I probably did not give my partner enough time to be able to fully express her ideas and opinions. I can be quite outcome-oriented, which can make me vulnerable to time pressures (Bruhn,
Coverage Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Coverage - Assignment Example Little did Laing was sent to look for her. Bud a young teen sneezes and did not have a hand kerchief. Louis asks him to go and wash her face. Terrorists bumped in the dinner taking people in the dinner hostage. Sydney detects things are not right once she detects guys with machine guns. They hide with Laing where she appears to be Laing’s savior in a number of occasions. Louis decided to go and look for his daughter where he encounters with thugs and enters into a fight. He ended up being surviving gun wounds thanks to Sydney who called for Taffy to call the policemen (Thorp, 2012). COMMENTS: The script is not only quite scary but it possesses a number of essential teachings. Human consciousness is always live and right. Sydney was suspecting something bad was cooking since the beginning of the script. It is also evident that everyone no matter an adult or a child has the potential of saving people. Were it not Sydney who made efforts of contacting the police most probably the condition would become
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The relationship between artist and mental illness Essay - 1
The relationship between artist and mental illness - Essay Example This paper will analyze two artistic works done by two different artists which address the topic of mental illness. It includes the description of the topic and how the mentioned artist has presented it. The two artists whose works are to be analyzed in this paper are Edvard Munch from the 19th century and Jean Dubuffet from the 20th century. These two artists came up with works which were induced by their nature of mental illness. The 19th century artist, Edward Munch was a Norwegian, who lived between the year 1863 and 1944 (Prideaux & Munch 10). The 20th century artist Jean Dubuffet, originally from France lived between the year 1901 and 1985(Malchiodi 32). Both artists exhibited mental illness and disturbance in their works. In most of his works, Edvard Munch focused on the concept of death and dying. Munch was somehow obsessed with death and everything related to it. Munch’s unhappy childhood contributed a lot to his personality and mental illness. He grew up witnessing the deaths of his family members. He experienced traumas during his birth, which consequentially made him relate everything in his life to sorrow and death. He engraved the effects of birth trauma in his artistic works. Death and suffering was the focal point for which Munch conceptualized on (Prideaux & Munch 254). Most of Munch’s works had horrific looks; the works included the dead mother, the scream, the vampire, ashes, death and the lady, man and wife, melancholy, the Madonna and Golgotha. Something interesting to notice is the fact that all his works were embedded with negativity and suffering which were related to death. Munch’s presentation of death made it exist in every activity and encounter he experienced. It is evident that all the paintings relate to his life also they are related to death. Munch embraced death, and this was embedded and portrayed in all of his paintings. The painting named the dead mother depicts a child standing next to a bed on which her dead
Requests strategies encountered by Iraqi students in Australian Dissertation
Requests strategies encountered by Iraqi students in Australian Universities - Dissertation Example Request strategies basically helps the students to clear their idea and concept regarding any reading they are doing of the text and then ask questions to the instructors in order to understand the key concepts of it and to clear all the queries. Sometimes requesters may hesitate to make any requests because it creates nuisance for the requester and for the recipient to answer it. Iraqi culture which is suppose to be the most influential culture in terms of protecting their values, beliefs and cultural positions follow their own language in order to communicate. Language is the first medium to communicate with the intercultural and the cross cultural variations and it is seems to be the barrier if the proper communication is not performed. For Iraqi’s, English is suppose to be the second language because they give priority to their own language first, whereas pragmatic competence is the ability beyond the understanding of the grammar and to understand the clear levels of any l anguage. This short research thesis basically discusses few issues and tribulations that are faced in the studies of pragmatic in order to create the idea of clear understanding of the communication and the politeness factor into it (Cook, & Liddicoat, 2002, Introduction, Para. 1). It also discuses the inter language issues that are faced by all of those for whom English is not their first language and due to this they do face threatening acts and unable to use appropriate strategies and politeness into their speech (Chen, 2006, Brown and Levinson’s Concept of Face and Politeness Theory, Para. 3). As for Iraqi students, English is the second language and for them it creates difficulty in communicating and following requests strategies with the teachers and the instructors there in Australia. The use of pragmatic inter language is used for all those who want to learn and to use L2 pragmatic knowledge (Kasper, 1996, Introduction, p. 147). The speaker should create the politenes s factor in order to build strong perception of the listener for understanding the context. To overcome various gaps between the communication and general pragmatics knowledge in order to understand English as second language the process of acculturation facilitates because bilingualism always helps students to understand the environment and helps in learning when such students like Iraqi’s go to some other place to acquire education. Now the pragmatic competence and knowledge of the learner is obligatory then the grammatical competence of any student. Pragmatics involve all the important factors including the style, conversational structure and various aspects that helps in building communication effectively (Quraishi, 1994, Personal Experience with L2 Politeness, p. 1). The importance of using and learning request strategies is that it helps the bilingual and monolingual learners to bring politeness into inter cultural communications so that it gets easier for others to fee l comfortable while dealing with them (Quraishi, 1994, The importance of Politeness Strategies in Effective Communication, p. 2). For those who are monolinguals it gets difficult for them to communicate if they are not polite or rude, therefore there are certain techniques and strategies that are important for them to learn which includes the politeness and request strategies and the certain pragmatics also help them in understanding the intercultural communication(Chen, 2006, Sociolinguistic Competence & Transfer, Para. 1). Rationale of the study The purpose of the study is to identify two things: How Iraqi learners of English realize their request strategies in relation to the social dimensions of power (P) and distance (D)? How Australian native speakers and Vietnamese learners of Engli
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Coverage Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Coverage - Assignment Example Little did Laing was sent to look for her. Bud a young teen sneezes and did not have a hand kerchief. Louis asks him to go and wash her face. Terrorists bumped in the dinner taking people in the dinner hostage. Sydney detects things are not right once she detects guys with machine guns. They hide with Laing where she appears to be Laing’s savior in a number of occasions. Louis decided to go and look for his daughter where he encounters with thugs and enters into a fight. He ended up being surviving gun wounds thanks to Sydney who called for Taffy to call the policemen (Thorp, 2012). COMMENTS: The script is not only quite scary but it possesses a number of essential teachings. Human consciousness is always live and right. Sydney was suspecting something bad was cooking since the beginning of the script. It is also evident that everyone no matter an adult or a child has the potential of saving people. Were it not Sydney who made efforts of contacting the police most probably the condition would become
Requests strategies encountered by Iraqi students in Australian Dissertation
Requests strategies encountered by Iraqi students in Australian Universities - Dissertation Example Request strategies basically helps the students to clear their idea and concept regarding any reading they are doing of the text and then ask questions to the instructors in order to understand the key concepts of it and to clear all the queries. Sometimes requesters may hesitate to make any requests because it creates nuisance for the requester and for the recipient to answer it. Iraqi culture which is suppose to be the most influential culture in terms of protecting their values, beliefs and cultural positions follow their own language in order to communicate. Language is the first medium to communicate with the intercultural and the cross cultural variations and it is seems to be the barrier if the proper communication is not performed. For Iraqi’s, English is suppose to be the second language because they give priority to their own language first, whereas pragmatic competence is the ability beyond the understanding of the grammar and to understand the clear levels of any l anguage. This short research thesis basically discusses few issues and tribulations that are faced in the studies of pragmatic in order to create the idea of clear understanding of the communication and the politeness factor into it (Cook, & Liddicoat, 2002, Introduction, Para. 1). It also discuses the inter language issues that are faced by all of those for whom English is not their first language and due to this they do face threatening acts and unable to use appropriate strategies and politeness into their speech (Chen, 2006, Brown and Levinson’s Concept of Face and Politeness Theory, Para. 3). As for Iraqi students, English is the second language and for them it creates difficulty in communicating and following requests strategies with the teachers and the instructors there in Australia. The use of pragmatic inter language is used for all those who want to learn and to use L2 pragmatic knowledge (Kasper, 1996, Introduction, p. 147). The speaker should create the politenes s factor in order to build strong perception of the listener for understanding the context. To overcome various gaps between the communication and general pragmatics knowledge in order to understand English as second language the process of acculturation facilitates because bilingualism always helps students to understand the environment and helps in learning when such students like Iraqi’s go to some other place to acquire education. Now the pragmatic competence and knowledge of the learner is obligatory then the grammatical competence of any student. Pragmatics involve all the important factors including the style, conversational structure and various aspects that helps in building communication effectively (Quraishi, 1994, Personal Experience with L2 Politeness, p. 1). The importance of using and learning request strategies is that it helps the bilingual and monolingual learners to bring politeness into inter cultural communications so that it gets easier for others to fee l comfortable while dealing with them (Quraishi, 1994, The importance of Politeness Strategies in Effective Communication, p. 2). For those who are monolinguals it gets difficult for them to communicate if they are not polite or rude, therefore there are certain techniques and strategies that are important for them to learn which includes the politeness and request strategies and the certain pragmatics also help them in understanding the intercultural communication(Chen, 2006, Sociolinguistic Competence & Transfer, Para. 1). Rationale of the study The purpose of the study is to identify two things: How Iraqi learners of English realize their request strategies in relation to the social dimensions of power (P) and distance (D)? How Australian native speakers and Vietnamese learners of Engli
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Road to Disappearance Essay Example for Free
The Road to Disappearance Essay The Road to Disappearance: A history of the Creek Indians was written by Angie Debo, a native of Oklahoma. She had curiosity of the life and history of the â€Å"creek Indians’ which is also known as the ‘Muskigees’. These people are later on named as ‘Creek Indians’ because they thrive on the Creek areas or besides rivers and canals. This book was written in 1941, a part of many books about Creek Indians that was written by the author as she was teaching history in the University of Oklahoma. Basically, the book gives the reader the story of the ‘Creek history’. It covers the years from 1725 up until 1906. It tackles the experiences of the Creeks as a nation and their interaction and relationship with the Washington government as well as with the states that they occupy namely, Alabama, Georgia and Kansas. Throughout the book, the author kept on presenting data and facts that serves as evidence of her arguments regarding the fast paced obliteration of the ‘Creek Nation’. She also cited accounts of the attempts and struggles made by the Creeks as the State and Federal government draft laws that somehow keep these people marginalized and controlled. The first chapters in the book cover the discussion of the Creek Nation’s history, which, as Debo pronounced was ‘lost in legend’. There are those which talks about coming from the ‘huge mountains†¦a migration toward sunrise†¦ the crossing of a great and muddy river and the occupation and conquest of their eastern home’. These chapters also talks about the Creeks relation with other Indians and some of their customs, beliefs and practices. The third chapter offers the beginning of the destruction of the ‘Nation’ that was followed by conquers and the war with these conquerors. Chapter VI shows that after devastation, the ‘Creeks forms a nation again’, nonetheless the proceeding chapters shows and discuss rivalries and conflicts inside the ‘Nation’ itself. In chapter IX there was a moment of peace, nonetheless it does not stand for long as what Debo believes to be happening right now is the ending of the tribe. The book was well written and provides a good overview of the history of Indian Americans in general and Creek Nation in particular. It helps the readers understand what was the life that these people has to endure and the history that they have along with their distinct culture, beliefs and traditions that were slowly being eroded by modernization and ethno racism. The book was obviously in favor and in support of helping the Creek Indians get the rights, respect and recognition that they properly deserved. The author has successfully point out the different period in history that the Creeks have been oppressed and how the government policies are hurting and demeaning the Indian population. The author has successfully laid the foundation and evidence that will make the reader question the legitimacy of the laws and policies that the government has made in the past and today. It somehow expands the horizon of what I know about American Indians. Moreover it helps me understand their situation. The author made me feel how wrongly the Creek Indians are treated. Along with illustrations, the book successfully captures sympathy and understanding from its readers. This I think is the main purpose of the book aside from being informative. There are a lot of things that I have learned from the book aside from the different Indian tribes and the way they live. I also found about how they are treated and what their history in connection to my own is. Understanding the difference between us (the Creek Indians and me) and the fact that we are living in the same country, give me a higher regards and respect for their abilities and their being the real owners of the lands in which we (Americans) thrive. To further understand the book and to find the topics more easily, there an index at the end that can make reading easier especially when looking back and looking for terms in relation to other topics in the book. The book also contains maps aside from illustrations. These maps are important to help the reader’s picture in their mind the length and area that the Creek’s covers. There is also a page that contains other works created by Angie Debo which are also related to the ‘Creek Indians’. I definitely recommend this book for people who would like to know about the Creek’s life. It is thorough and it refers to the problems of the Creek in a straightforward manner. Although it is somehow bias, it delivers a good stance in regards to the life and the rights of the Creek people. The readers would enjoy the way the book is written eventhough it talks about history. The author has the ability to look at the subject matter in an inclusive perspective, such that the reader will feel as though they are pat of the history that they are reading. This is a must read for enthusiast and non enthusiast alike and I recommend it for a deeper understanding of the culture and the people that once been the sole owners and cultivators of the American land. Work Cited: Debo, A. The Road to Disappearance: A History of the Creek Indians. Norman. 1941, 1967.
Monday, October 14, 2019
American Ideals Of Freedom And Liberty
American Ideals Of Freedom And Liberty In 1776, our country was founded on American ideals of freedom, liberty, and equality however, during this time in history; these principals were often bias to upper class white men. When the Declaration of Independence was first written, many Americans understood the notion of all men are created equal to truly mean that all white males were created equal. This was true with other civil rights guarantees also. The framers of our countrys Constitution were also considered to be the elite of their time. They were all white, wealthy, well educated land owners and did not adequately represent the diversity in our nation. Civil rights are defined as; a class of rights and freedoms that protect individuals from unwarranted government action and ensure ones ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression. Freedoms of speech, of the press, of religion, and of fair and equal treatment are the basic civil rights granted to each of us. The Bill of Rights that was added to our Constitution outlines the basic freedoms and liberties guaranteed to every citizen of the United States of America. The Bill of Rights, in black and white is the first ten amendments to the constitution; however sadly, women and African Americans were not granted the civil rights entitled to them. Civil rights issues began at our countries founding, and continues throughout history and today. Wars in general happen as a result of people or nations defending a terrority, protecting their interests and/or trying to achieve a moral purpose. The Civil War combined all of this rational, and ended up being the single bloodiest conflict in American history. The Civil War claimed the lives of over 600,000 Americans, all on American soil; which is more than in all other American wars combined with the exception of Vietnam. The Civil War began in 1838 as a result of disputes between the northern and southern states over slavery and taxation of cotton exports. The south wanted to keep slavery and felt it was necessary, so they started the war by seceding from the union. The North refused to let the Southern states break up the Union, thus the dispute led to the Civil War. The end result of the Civil War did free the slaves, however, the blacks did not gain any ground of status or respect among the states in either the north or south. White men continued to treat the African American population as property rather than people. Following the Civil War, slavery may have been abolished however not much changed for blacks. Blacks fought hard for freedoms; men still could not own property, vote, or go anywhere in public the white men were allowed. They suffered through hate, beatings, and small rations of food. They were treated no differently when they were supposed to be free. If a black man or woman did get the opportunity to work for pay at a white mans factory, he nor she would never get the same pay as a white man. They were working for the same company and doing the same job however, it wasnt considered to be right for a black man or woman to be earning the same amount as a white man or woman. Women were making small strides toward equality in the early 1800s; Oberlin College in 1833 was the first to accept women students and make their university a coed facility, the first National Female Anti-Slavery Society convention was held in 1837 with 81 female delegates, and in 1844 Female textile workers in Massachusetts organized the Lowell Female Labor Reform Association (LFLRA) and demand a 10 hour work day. The push for womens right to vote began in the mid 1800s when the proposed 15th amendment came to fruition. Some suffragists refused to endorse the amendment because women were not included; however, argued that once the black man was enfranchised, women too would achieve their goal, and gain voting rights. The National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) was formed in 1890; the group organized marches and protests, and pressed the federal government for institutional changes, such as allowing married women to have property rights. The 15th amendment to the Constitution granted African American men the right to vote. This was a big step in the direction of equality. This amendment states that the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Voting rights for African Americans was huge in the civil rights movement; however it proved not to be an easy task or necessarily wise choice for most blacks to do so. Discriminatory legal barriers were enacted to prevent them from actually having a say, once again forcing the African Americans to fight for what was suppose to be a freedom. Literary tests, poll taxes, the grandfather clause and white primaries were put in place as ways to discourage the black voters from excerising their civic duty. Literary tests were exams given to indivudials to determine if they were intelligent enough to vote. The vast majority of African Americans were not educated; therefore it was very difficult to prove they were literate enough to vote. The exams were administered by whites and bias toward whites. A test administer may ask a white person to spell a simple word such as God or boy, where a black person would be asked to spell a word like chrysanthemum or interpretation. When an African American got the word wrong, they were deemed illiterate and lost their privilege to vote. For those who did pass the literary tests, the government put in place poll taxes. Essentially this was a law forcing voters to pay a steep tax/fee in order to vote. If you were not able to pay the tax, your right to vote was revoked. Taxes were also cumulative; if you could not afford the tax at a particular election, the next time you tried to vote, you were required to pay that elections tax as well as all previou s unpaid taxes. African Americans were poor and most lost their voting privilege because of this. The Grandfather Clause was a law that waived electoral literacy requirements and poll taxes for those whose ancestors voted before the Civil War. This provided a loop hole for illiterate whites that could not pass the literary tests to be able to vote. It also prevented the blacks from voting as the majority of their ancestors were slaves and had no rights. The Democratic Party was the dominant party in the United States during this time and in most all elections their candidates were in office. To avoid allowing black voters to vote in the primarys, the democrats promoted their political party as a private organization. By doing this, they could control who voted in the primary and they could exclude anyone they wished. In most cases, who ever won the primary, and made it to the general election ticket would be voted into office; therefore the African American votes really didnt matter since the primary was determined by the whites. The Reconstruction period following the Civil War saw the beginnings of the Ku Klux Klan. This group was a white activist group and the first charter was founded in 1865. Their original purpose was to deny African Americans the same rights and opportunities as white people in the south. Klan members used violence, threats, and even murder of those blacks who attempted to become educated, to vote, to befriend whites or sought out better paying jobs. It was during this time the Klan began to wear white robes in an attempt of further intimidating blacks and to conceal their identity. In 1870 and 1871 the federal government was forced to step in and passed a series of acts, known as Enforcement Acts. They were put in place to protect the voting rights of blacks and to try and suppress the Ku Klux Klan. The Acts; outlawed actions intended to prevent blacks from voting, established rules to eliminate fraudulent registration practices, prevented intimidation of blacks by any illegal action, and gave the president the right to have the military step in when public safety was threatened. Civil rights have been a struggle America has faced since the founding of our country, and has been a violent and deadly battle for equality of our laws. All people are created equal, and all people bleed red. I believe that every citizen in America should have the same rights and privileges regardless of ethnic background or religion. A prerequisite of being a white, land owning well off male contradicts the very principals our nations was founded on. Reconstruction in the south was Americas first attempt at an interracial democracy. It completely reshaped life as was once known. Blacks were freed from slavery and for the first time looked upon as a person, not property. The United States government finally assumed responsibility for defining and protecting civil rights. Freedmen in the south were given an opportunity to vote; although it did not come with out risk and challenges. Black men were also granted the right to hold political office. The African American community was huge in the south, and with the help of white allies was able to temporally bring the Republican Party to power. Cumming, GA is considered to be a rural country town with little racial diversity or tolerance. Cumming benefited from the traffic of the gold rush in Dahlonega; however when gold was discovered in CA, and the tourists left, Cummings economy suffered. Even during the Civil War, Cumming was bypassed by Shermans Army and was basically a sleepy little town. There is a case from1912 when a white woman was raped by 3 black men in town. This outraged the citizens so much that Georgias governor was forced to send troops into the city to prevent a riot. The Ku Klux Klans Knight Riders campaigned for well over a month in an effort to force all African Americans out of not only Cumming, but all of Forsyth County. They were fairly successful and for many years the black population in the county was basically non existent. More recently in 1987, a small group of blacks marched through town in Cumming to celebrate Martin Luther Kings birthday. This infuriated the Klan and in protest, they threw g lass bottles and rocks at the group. This attack drew national attention and turned into the largest civil rights demonstrations since the 1960s. The results of this demonstration were positive as it was a turning point and marked favorable change. Today, the city is becoming more and more diverse and is growing rapidly.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Horatio †Unsullied Character in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE En
Horatio – Unsullied Character in Hamlet      Perhaps even more innocent than Ophelia in Shakespere’s Hamlet is Horatio. This essay will treat his character in depth, including many literary critical evaluations.  Who is the play’s historian? None other than Horatio. In the first scene Horatio gives a detailed history of what has gone before regarding King Hamlet:  Our last king,     Whose image even but now appear'd to us,     Was, as you know, by Fortinbras of Norway,     Thereto prick'd on by a most emulate pride,     Dared to the combat; in which our valiant Hamlet--     For so this side of our known world esteem'd him--     Did slay this Fortinbras; who by a seal'd compact,     Well ratified by law and heraldry,     Did forfeit, with his life, all those his lands     Which he stood seized of, to the conqueror:     Against the which, a moiety competent     Was gaged by our king; which had return'd     To the inheritance of Fortinbras,     Had he been vanquisher; as, by the same covenant,     And carriage of the article design'd,     His fell to Hamlet. Now, sir, young Fortinbras,     Of unimproved mettle hot and full,     Hath in the skirts of Norway here and there     Shark'd up a list of lawless resolutes,     For food and diet, to some enterprise     That hath a stomach in't; which is no other--     As it doth well appear unto our state--     But to recover of us, by strong hand     And terms compulsatory, those foresaid lands     So by his father lost: and this, I take it,     Is the main motive of our preparations,     The source of this our watch and the chief head .. ... Press, 1992.  Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.  West, Rebecca. â€Å"A Court and World Infected by the Disease of Corruption.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Court and the Castle. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1957.  Wilkie, Brian and James Hurt. â€Å"Shakespeare.†Literature of the Western World. Ed. Brian Wilkie and James Hurt. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1992.  Wright, Louis B. and Virginia A. LaMar. â€Å"Hamlet: A Man Who Thinks Before He Acts.†Readings on Hamlet. Ed. Don Nardo. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1999. Rpt. from The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Ed. Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar. N. p.: Pocket Books, 1958.  Â
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Costs of Childhood Cancer Treatment and Research Essay example -- Heal
Cancer, one of the most feared words in our vocabulary of this time, especially in childhood (Druker 1). Most people when thinking of â€Å"childhood cancer†envision very young children, although a â€Å"Nation Institute of Health Policy concerning inclusion of children in clinical research defines children as being younger than twenty-one years of age while the Food and Drug Administration considers children to be fifteen years and younger†(Ries 158). That being said, most cancers incidence peak among children occurs during the first year of life (Gurney 149). Some of the most well-known nationwide childhood cancers are leukemia, brain cancer, and other central nervous system cancers (oeconline 1). In conjunction, â€Å"the side effects of treatment, which range from heart disease to brain damage, can linger for decades and cost nearly as much as therapy for the original cancer†(USATODAY 1). With the total cost of childhood cancer exceeding many peopleâ€℠¢s yearly salary, help and support are the main focus for many childhood cancer advocacies ( 1). Therefore, increasing awareness is the first step to raising more advocacy and support for childhood cancer programs and research ( 2). Childhood cancer treatment is an excessively pricey dilemma. It ranges from the cost per child to the overall cost. For example, â€Å"a new leukemia medication for children who no longer benefit from chemotherapy, costs $45,000 for a three week treatment cycle†(USATODAY 1). With the average time span of cancer treatment ranging from three months to roughly three years the price can climb to multiple figures (compasscare 1). The median cost per day for one child in a pediatric hospital for cancer treatment is nearly $1,000 more than the average... diagnosed with cancer as a whole. As a refuge for many families, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital takes responsibility for all expenses dealing with immediate medical care that insurance does not cover. As well as immediate medical care coverage, St. Jude’s also distributes other attributes to the family in need, such as housing and payment for outpatient expenses. Since St. Jude’s is run by the donations of donors from around the world, although mostly from around the country, it is vital for the survival and future cure for childhood cancers that we as a nation continue to fuel St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital to prosper and thrive. In conclusion, childhood cancer treatment and research is extremely important for the future survival of thousands of childhood lives. Every cent matters when it comes to saving the lives of our future generations. Costs of Childhood Cancer Treatment and Research Essay example -- Heal Cancer, one of the most feared words in our vocabulary of this time, especially in childhood (Druker 1). Most people when thinking of â€Å"childhood cancer†envision very young children, although a â€Å"Nation Institute of Health Policy concerning inclusion of children in clinical research defines children as being younger than twenty-one years of age while the Food and Drug Administration considers children to be fifteen years and younger†(Ries 158). That being said, most cancers incidence peak among children occurs during the first year of life (Gurney 149). Some of the most well-known nationwide childhood cancers are leukemia, brain cancer, and other central nervous system cancers (oeconline 1). In conjunction, â€Å"the side effects of treatment, which range from heart disease to brain damage, can linger for decades and cost nearly as much as therapy for the original cancer†(USATODAY 1). With the total cost of childhood cancer exceeding many peopleâ€℠¢s yearly salary, help and support are the main focus for many childhood cancer advocacies ( 1). Therefore, increasing awareness is the first step to raising more advocacy and support for childhood cancer programs and research ( 2). Childhood cancer treatment is an excessively pricey dilemma. It ranges from the cost per child to the overall cost. For example, â€Å"a new leukemia medication for children who no longer benefit from chemotherapy, costs $45,000 for a three week treatment cycle†(USATODAY 1). With the average time span of cancer treatment ranging from three months to roughly three years the price can climb to multiple figures (compasscare 1). The median cost per day for one child in a pediatric hospital for cancer treatment is nearly $1,000 more than the average... diagnosed with cancer as a whole. As a refuge for many families, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital takes responsibility for all expenses dealing with immediate medical care that insurance does not cover. As well as immediate medical care coverage, St. Jude’s also distributes other attributes to the family in need, such as housing and payment for outpatient expenses. Since St. Jude’s is run by the donations of donors from around the world, although mostly from around the country, it is vital for the survival and future cure for childhood cancers that we as a nation continue to fuel St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital to prosper and thrive. In conclusion, childhood cancer treatment and research is extremely important for the future survival of thousands of childhood lives. Every cent matters when it comes to saving the lives of our future generations.
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